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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Corruption in INDIA by Rich Politicians.

It makes a great sense to wonder, why does India suffer with higher rate of corruption, the very reason, why rich and powerful individuals in India, having the attitude to manipulate and mismanage, this attitude is inherited or influenced in their lives since their childhood, extracted from within their culture and tradition, from their most sacred scripture GEETA, or bhagawad-gita from Mahabharata. 

These corrupt rich folks teach their children at their home, to rob, and manipulate like Krishna in Mahabharata. They teach their children, how Krishna used to rob butter and milk, they say its OK permitted to rob. 

The way Krishna played pranks with women by robbing their clothes, its OK permitted to be mischievous.

Like a cunning fox, the way Krishna convinced Arjuna to kill people with bloodshed, by convincing and brainwashing Arjuna, while at war. 

Thus these politicians say its OK permitted to convince and make war to create bloodshed.

Cast, God and Religion.

India can change when, Indian Political party's discuss: 
Health Care Reforms: 
Affordable health care Act makes health care more affordable for small businesses. 
Raises the age at which children can be on their parents policies. 
Removes lifetime caps. "Pay Act" to help women get equal pay for equal work. Women should have access to free preventative health care.
Promoting and Investing in Clean Energy Jobs. 
Support education by giving more flexibility to no child left behind. 
By making college aid more available. 
Millionaires and billionaires should pay their fair share of taxes, like rest of us. 
Create millions of private sector jobs to our economy. 
Leaders need to educate and motivate people towards better future. To live in a Cleaner and Hygienic society.

There is no doubt, Indian political leaders are very intelligent, but at the same time they are manipulative also. They have incurred, mischief, naughty, and manipulative behaviors, in their personal as well as public lifestyles. They are destructive, instead of being constructive.

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Corruption in INDIA by Rich Politicians.

Krishna in United States: 
The Indian folks settled in United States, keep giving public statements, in order to protect Hinduism, they refer to bhagawat-gita and gita, to criticize Muslim religion, to express their desire to create feelings of war between the Hinduism and Muslim religion, to inject ideas of hatred, anger leading to destruction of Muslim religion. 
Theyy want to hurt Muslims, by making war, using the concept of Krishna.

The question is: 
Is it possible to develop India with such destructive concepts, will it be possible to eradicate corruption and manipulation by corrupt leaders.

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Manipulative Common man: 
Every common man on streets has become manipulative leading to mismanaged lifestyle. 

Common man thinks that cows are god, in India, monkeys and dogs are god too in India. At the same time he is manipulative enough to just leave them on streets, in the name of freedom, so that these cows, dogs, monkeys, eat from garbage, and sleep on roads and highways, dispose bowels on open field and public places, by creating smell pollution and air pollution. 

Commonn man thinks that it is OK to destroy public property. It can be observed in India, that the teenagers are usually very mischievous and manipulative, in their schools.

Thus the public systems like transport systems, are in pathetic situation, only because the common man is not patriotic enough to maintain cleanliness. 

Thuss India does not need such kind of Krishna concept, but rather India needs, non violent concepts of Mahatma and Buddha. 
Instead of Chanakya neeti, India right now needs transparency, non violence, peace, wisdom, healing, compassion, truth and justice. 
A noble purpose of life, an humble objective, to serve and heal the humanity.

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What India Needs Today?

In India we need good leaders. If we compare any other countries, the great leaders, who are in high positions, who are very powerful in government offices, in public offices, the leader would come down on streets, he would meet the common man on streets, he would look at him as his fellow citizen, his brother, his fellow Indian, this leader would say,
"you are not inferior to me, we both need to create together, this India".

This rich man, a millionaire (a corod-pati in India) would say,
"oh boy, i will make you rich and happy, oh my brother, take this money, these millions and buy machinery, lets create more using machines, that's how we export more, that's how we become richer, self sufficient, that's how the Indian economy improves. Create more, so that India is less dependent and self sufficient. Export more and be more rich. We need more production by machines".

Every common man, poor man needs to be empowered, we need to give them the power, to create and generate more and more.

At the same time India is addicted to bad addictions like alcohol, tobacco, fear, this fear in quite common. 
I see a common man is afraid. He is afraid of God, superstitious, he is afraid of his rich leaders at higher positions, in order to give respect, he thinks that he should be afraid of the rich men, which is completely not true. 

If we want India to improve, then the poor common man who is on streets needs to realize his human rights. He may not be a slave, he may not be afraid of the great leaders, or rich people. 

At the same time the great leaders need to realize that they are not supposed to use the fear factor to control the poor weaker sections. 

Somehow we need leaders who can make them realize that, 
"oh poor man you are not inferior to me, 
do not be afraid of me, 
you are my friend, 
you are my brother, 
I am sitting in this high position to serve you, 
we both together can create and develop a vibrant India".

If we look at the global economy, the position of India in the global economy, where does the rupee stand? 
whats the purchasing capacity of rupee? 
For example, if I purchase a kilogram of rice in Indian market, then I need to pay 50 rupees, 
where as a person in united states, would purchase the same kilogram of rice for 1 dollar. 
You see, a huge difference, the richer countries which are already rich, need to realize that, they need to help the poor countries, to improve their economy, to increase the purchasing power, of rupee.

India does not have the capacity, to import, because of its weaker purchasing capacity, in the global market. 
What else is the alternative solution? 
it is that, India needs to be self sufficient, it should generate, it should produce, it should create quality, here in India. 
Only then they can generate more of revenue, more of production.

Link to this article.

Today one of my students, asked me, 
"sir I am chatting on my mobile, with one of my girl friends in California, and I know where the California is, but the girl does not know where is India, she asked him where are you from, and this kid says he is from India, and the girl does not recognize where is India in the global map. 
This is what is the situation of India. Now this student of mine, asks me, sir, how to make my country great, how to make my country popular, so that they recognize me in California."

There are hundreds of countries which are rich compared to India, there are many rich countries around the globe, other than united states. 
But we are not familiar with them, not heard of them, but there are many countries which are richer. 

When we look at them and try to learn from them, then what we see is that, these small countries which are very rich, having good infrastructure, much cleaner, not polluted, having good health, medical, hygienic, which are flourishing, having a good global economy, having global recognition, with good purchasing power, capacity.

The political leaders, higher officers, entrepreneurs, in the richer developed countries are much patriotic. And they are much more compassionate, towards their fellow citizens, they want their entire nation to develop. They are much broad minded compared to Indian political leaders. 

On one hand India needs to improve the moral character, the attitude and the personality of every Indian rich and poor both, has to improve. 

At the same time, the Indians need to control their addictions. Addictions have destroyed many Indians. 

They look at the stories of rama, krishna, shiva, etc. They say shivji used to consume madira(alcohol), called as bhang in India. 
In the name of following shivji they want to smoke grass tobacco (marijuana, cannabis).

In the name of rama and krishna they think of making war (using weapons like bow and arrows, and trishul), creating destructive behavior within themselves, destroying themselves. Their superstitious mentality, making them afraid of God, that is what is wrong.

The country cannot grow when they are afraid. Moreover the Indian poor man looks at the powerful person as God, 
they look at a rich man as God, 
they start giving too much respect to them, they are afraid to speak to them, 
instead of looking at them with compassion, 
there is lack of transparency, 
lack of humanity and brotherhood between the rich and the poor. 

That is what is the problem. And the rich take it for granted. The rich people, deep in their heart, do not realize, what are their responsibilities and duties towards the common man.

Every rich man, and every powerful person, should realize deep in his heart, that it is his purpose of life, to serve and to empower the poor man. 
To connect to the poor man. 
To make the poor man feel comfortable. 
Too make the poor man feel courageous, with real hopes to make their dreams come true.

Link to this article.
Corruption in INDIA by Rich Politicians.

Say NO to Cast Reservation.
While reformers are struggling to move towards a caste-free society,
politicians are busy making laws that would widen the gap.
-- Sri Sri Ravishankar on Reservation Bill which was passed in Rajya Sabha

Impact of reservation based on religion and cast in education system.

In 2023 the reservation must not be based on cast. Ambedkar did something which was applicable at that point of time. But now the need is to create new laws based on the real fact. Why at all there has to be a reservation in education system based on cast and religion? 
Probably because some communities are financially weaker or economically poor. 
If that’s the case then what’s the cast or religion got to do with reservation system? 
If any individual is weaker financially then definitely he or she should be helped financially by giving generous loans, but is it right to neglect the intelligence, 
or do injustice to hard efforts, 
or compare the intelligence based on the cast or religion. 

For example lets consider 
“A” a person without any reservation, 
and another “B” person with reservation, 
now lets assume both have scored A+ marks for example 70% aggregate. 
“B” is financially weaker cast than “A”, right? 
Can we ever classify them based on their intelligence and efforts? 
We know that both have equally scored because of their intelligence and efforts. 
So why give admission to “B” instead of “A”. 
It would be fair if “B” had a financial help or grant from the system. 
It would be fair enough if both had got the admission without any reservation for cast and religion.

Corruption in INDIA by Rich Politicians.

Free and Fare Education system / Electoral system.

Simple concept: 
Why do we give examinations? 
Probably because we believe in hard work, 
we believe in intelligence, 
we believe in justice for free and fair evaluations, 
we believe in worship of knowledge, 
we believe in the examination authority and the examiners.

Just imagine what would have happened if all this had changed. 
For example if the hard effort was not rewarded, 
if the intelligence was not respected, 
if there were manipulations in evaluations, 
if the power of knowledge was miss utilized, 
if the examination authority and examiners had lost its credibility with greed, wickedness and bad ambitions. 

Why at all would the people attend to examinations 
or at all register for the examination, 
when there is no value for results and no credibility of the examining authority? 
Its simple if there is no good purpose then there is no point in creating the system.

Advocate Kunal Sharma, has betrayed me with false promises.

On one hand, justice system is critical for a better nation. Providing law and order to citizens. It's important for citizens to be patriotic, to be caring, helpful and kind to others. With a commitment and passion to provide justice. At the same time there are people who are misusing the power of law, to manipulate with the justice system. Recently I was betrayed by an advocate, who is supposed to provide justice to others by profession.

Advocate Mr Kunal Sharma has betrayed me. This person who is supposed to provide justice is doing injustice himself. Such people are a curse to this great nation.
Read more.

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