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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Dictator: The Law of Jante (Humiliation)

Although the law exists since the beginning of civilization.
It was only officially declared in 1933 by writer Aksel Sandemose
in the novel “A refugee goes beyond limits”.

The sad truth is that the Law of Jante is a rule applied in every country in the world.
Despite the fact that Brazilians say that “this only happens here,”
And the French claim that “unfortunately, that’s how it is in our country.”

There are two kinds of kings who usually rule, one is the destructive lion king and the other is constructive humble king.
Now this destructive king want to rule, ultimately leading everyone to destruction.
Where as there is another humble king, who ultimately leads us to paradise of peace.

Here is a brief Explanation, Meaning of this law:

“You aren’t worth a thing,
nobody is interested in what you think,
mediocrity and anonymity are your best bet.
If you act this way, you will never have any big problems in life.”

The complete Law of Jante says: 
Don’t think you’re something.
Don’t think you are worth the same as us. (you are worth nothing) 
Don’t think you’re smarter than us.
Don’t think you’re better than us.
Don’t think you’re wiser than us.
Don’t think you’re more than us.
Don’t think you’re good at anything.
Don’t laugh at us.
Don’t think anyone care about you.
Don’t think you have anything to teach us.
Don't think that there aren't a few things we know about you. (We know everything about you) 
( )

The Law of Jante focuses on the feeling of POWER.
And this law is accountable for the world being manipulated in all possible manners by people who have no fear of what the others say and end up practicing the evil they desire.
We see a huge abyss between the rich and the poor countries of the world, social injustice on all sides, unbridled violence, people being forced to give up their dreams because of unfair and cowardly attacks.

Mediocrity may be comfortable, up to the day that tragedy knocks at the door and people start to wonder: “but why did nobody say anything, if everybody could see that this was going to happen?”

So in order to prevent things from growing any worse,
maybe this is the right moment to write the Anti-Law of Jante:

“You are worth far more than you think.
Your work and presence on this Earth are important, even though you may not think so. Of course, thinking in this way, you might have many problems because you are breaking the Law of Jante – but don’t feel intimidated by them, go on living without fear and in the end you will win.” ( )

My view of Expression, considering my experience to other nations:

This is very true. There is absolutely an urgent need for an Anti-Law of Jante.
I have been born and brought up in Southern Part of INDIA.
Recently returned back from UNITED STATES after 4 years (from 2005 to 2009).
This Law of Jante is very much applicable everywhere,
Right from my home, to my housing colony, to my city, to my state, to my nation, and also to other nations.

This law is considerably milder at home, it gets a little bit stronger within our city limits,
even much redundant beyond state or nation limits.
As and how we go away from our loved ones, this law starts becoming much rigorous.
It is more over contagious, spreading from one person to another.

While I was in United States, this law was a bit milder at Newyork.
Later while I was in Texas this law became a bit more redundant.
I noticed that happiness is possible only when we are with like-minded people.
When we are with calmer, gentler and humble intellectual societies.
The law of Jante gets rigorous and worst, especially when powerful people at Higher Authority start applying this law, who have the right to punish others in the name of Security, Law and Order.

While I was in USA in the year 2005, this law was at its peak high, due to George Bush Policies. Every patriotic American had become much aggressive and arrogant. This was also due to Higher Immigrant Populations migrating to this nation. With higher population of illegal immigrants which had made the native citizens and Border Security much aggressive. While comparing New-york to Texas I could feel that people were much aggressive in Texas compared to NY.

As I had traveled to US with a L1 visa, which I had obtained by one of the Indian Immigration Consultant, after paying his service charges, only after making sure that it was genuine with no real hard risks and threats of any legal violations. After all I never had any intentions to commit any crime. All I did was what everyone else did. In other words, I would have not taken the risk if the India Immigration Consultant would have not convinced me about the genuine visa. I was convinced that it was safe to travel with this particular visa to US, by this Immigration Consultant.

Before going to USA I always thought that it was much better in US than in India, but after reaching US I stared feeling the existence of this "Law of Jante". While in NY City, which has a huge business potential, with huge economy, with huge immigrant population, with lots of Indians, etc.
But still none were helpful to me, I was unable to get any financial help nor any social status.
I was also not able to find like-minded people who could help.
As this was the first time ever, I had traveled abroad, to another nation, it was a strange feeling.
I had never seen snow before this ever in my life-time. I felt NY was too cold for me. Thus due to my curiosity to see and
experience different parts of USA, I thought of visiting warmer southern regions of US along with a friend of mine from NY, even he was on some immigrant visa like myself, for some jewelery business.

As in Texas this Law of Jante became much stronger. But the climate was warmer comparatively.
With hope and optimism to search for a better work option I decided to stay.
Later in 2008 I also got an approval for my student visa H1 from USCIS. Which was green signal for me to continue with my education. The law of Jante was still applicable at this time too. But before joining the school college I was traveling within US from one city to another, from Texas to Virginia by Air Flight. Unfortunately while I was at the San Antonio
Airport, the security officer applied this law of Jante much rigorously, and as a result I was sent back to my native country India, after a charge sheet.

After returning back to India, still this law of Jante existed but was not so rigorous comparatively.
By this time my fight for creating a peaceful society had become much more rigorous.
My good fight had become much stronger.
I was much focused to create a calmer, gentler and humble society, so that I could live with peace within this society.
Today when I look back at my life, I feel proud that I have contributed in distributing peace and happiness to a possible extent. What ever best I could contribute.

I strongly feel that this law of Jante gets worst with the higher leadership policies.
It gets liberal with calmer, gentler and humble societies.

Now, after all this experience, I have realized that it is very important for us to live with like-minded people, to achieve respect and dignity, to get appreciation, legal status, which has a priority before any financial stability or security.
QUANTITY is appreciated only when it has QUALITY.
In other words, there is no meaning in creating wealth without a proper good purpose to serve the humanity with compassion and brotherhood.
I could see lots of quantity but without any quality even in these highly developed materialistic societies.

With a higher purpose and a border mind, I strongly feel that the Anti-Law of Jante needs to be popularized in order to achieve next level of human generation. To attain a peaceful future generation.
We are all messengers of divine creation of intelligence. Angels are watching all the time.
Prayers grow stronger when distributed.
History proves, the law of evolution, Humans have thus evolved to the next level of much cleaner, better, sophisticated generations.

Illegal Immigration has thus been a much bigger issue in USA:

It is quite true that there are millions of illegal immigrants in USA.
The question remains unanswered, as to who is responsible for the reason of their migration to USA?
It is very important to NOTE that these are poor people broken financially.
They are hard working and intelligent but job less.
They are the victims of selfish manipulative materialistic society. They are looking for some money to live their lives.
Why would they come to US if they were able to lead a happy life, back home?
What has global economic Recession got to do with their illegal migration?
Why would they work in US for peanuts without any basic respect and human rights?
Why do humans need to hide their identity from the system, even after working hard for lesser wages?
Which are the doors, they are going to knock, if they are betrayed of their wages and rights?

Below is a nice picture.
( )

These LITTLE ANGELS, were introduced in a phase of my life, as a symbol of, “FREEDOM”, healing and blessing.
The period in my life when I returned back to my motherland INDIA, after a torture, humiliation, fatigued and heart broken memories of United States.

To be brief, I was in United States for almost four years. My visit to US was not fruitful nor a pleasant one.
I sometimes wonder, as to what was the driving force which made me visit US. I visited US as I had a false image, or rather a wrong image, that everything was perfect and unique in US.

Since my childhood whenever I saw:
INVENTIONS on televisions,
Astronauts on MOON,
UFO’S from space,
NUCLEAR technology,
High graded SOFTWARE,
The RICHEST country, The most POWERFUL as interpreted my MEDIA.

All these things, very much gave me a false impression of USA being a SUPER POWER.
I thought there was no unemployment in US.
I thought this was a great country which had a GREAT purpose, to serve the HUMANITY, MANKIND, JUSTICE, LIBERTY and FREEDOM.
I thought people in US were intellectuals, I thought they were spiritually balanced with Calmness, Gentleness and Humbleness.
I thought there was Respect and Dignity to Human beings irrespective of Cast, Creed, Race or Religion.
I thought there was Transparency and Appreciations for Good Quality Human beings.
Any Intellectual who has visited US, and who is balanced with justice, who meditates for reasoning and solutions, will certainly says one TRUTH, that US has lost its very purpose of leadership. It’s very purpose to serve the Mankind.
People in US have become very arrogant, Greedy, Wicked, Self-centered, with an ego of superiority to accomplish Bad Desires and Bad Ambitions. Moreover very Materialistic and Practical environment.

United States was full of unnecessary artificial desires, exaggerations and elaborations of destructive desires.
But spiritualism to attain peace is all about being human, with only bare minimal, basic necessities and requirements.
Spiritualism is all about achieving constructive happiness.
Where as US is all about achieving destructive happiness to boost the economy.
US has a history of principles to inject extreme desires into peoples lifestyle in order to have vibrant economy.
I am not criticizing US but I am loving it only because I expect it to change its principles and policies for a better future of humanity.
US is badly in need of spiritual peace.

Advocate Kunal Sharma, has betrayed me with false promises.

On one hand, justice system is critical for a better nation. Providing law and order to citizens. It's important for citizens to be patriotic, to be caring, helpful and kind to others. With a commitment and passion to provide justice. At the same time there are people who are misusing the power of law, to manipulate with the justice system. Recently I was betrayed by an advocate, who is supposed to provide justice to others by profession.

Advocate Mr Kunal Sharma has betrayed me. This person who is supposed to provide justice is doing injustice himself. Such people are a curse to this great nation.
Read more.

Link to this article. 
Dictator: The Law of Jante (Humiliation)


Corruption in INDIA by Rich Politicians.

It makes a great sense to wonder, why does India suffer with higher rate of corruption, the very reason, why rich and powerful individuals in India, having the attitude to manipulate and mismanage, this attitude is inherited or influenced in their lives since their childhood, extracted from within their culture and tradition, from their most sacred scripture GEETA, or bhagawad-gita from Mahabharata. 

These corrupt rich folks teach their children at their home, to rob, and manipulate like Krishna in Mahabharata. They teach their children, how Krishna used to rob butter and milk, they say its OK permitted to rob. 

The way Krishna played pranks with women by robbing their clothes, its OK permitted to be mischievous.

Like a cunning fox, the way Krishna convinced Arjuna to kill people with bloodshed, by convincing and brainwashing Arjuna, while at war. 

Thus these politicians say its OK permitted to convince and make war to create bloodshed.

Cast, God and Religion.

India can change when, Indian Political party's discuss: 
Health Care Reforms: 
Affordable health care Act makes health care more affordable for small businesses. 
Raises the age at which children can be on their parents policies. 
Removes lifetime caps. "Pay Act" to help women get equal pay for equal work. Women should have access to free preventative health care.
Promoting and Investing in Clean Energy Jobs. 
Support education by giving more flexibility to no child left behind. 
By making college aid more available. 
Millionaires and billionaires should pay their fair share of taxes, like rest of us. 
Create millions of private sector jobs to our economy. 
Leaders need to educate and motivate people towards better future. To live in a Cleaner and Hygienic society.

There is no doubt, Indian political leaders are very intelligent, but at the same time they are manipulative also. They have incurred, mischief, naughty, and manipulative behaviors, in their personal as well as public lifestyles. They are destructive, instead of being constructive.

Link to this article.
Corruption in INDIA by Rich Politicians.

Krishna in United States: 
The Indian folks settled in United States, keep giving public statements, in order to protect Hinduism, they refer to bhagawat-gita and gita, to criticize Muslim religion, to express their desire to create feelings of war between the Hinduism and Muslim religion, to inject ideas of hatred, anger leading to destruction of Muslim religion. 
Theyy want to hurt Muslims, by making war, using the concept of Krishna.

The question is: 
Is it possible to develop India with such destructive concepts, will it be possible to eradicate corruption and manipulation by corrupt leaders.

Link to this article.

Manipulative Common man: 
Every common man on streets has become manipulative leading to mismanaged lifestyle. 

Common man thinks that cows are god, in India, monkeys and dogs are god too in India. At the same time he is manipulative enough to just leave them on streets, in the name of freedom, so that these cows, dogs, monkeys, eat from garbage, and sleep on roads and highways, dispose bowels on open field and public places, by creating smell pollution and air pollution. 

Commonn man thinks that it is OK to destroy public property. It can be observed in India, that the teenagers are usually very mischievous and manipulative, in their schools.

Thus the public systems like transport systems, are in pathetic situation, only because the common man is not patriotic enough to maintain cleanliness. 

Thuss India does not need such kind of Krishna concept, but rather India needs, non violent concepts of Mahatma and Buddha. 
Instead of Chanakya neeti, India right now needs transparency, non violence, peace, wisdom, healing, compassion, truth and justice. 
A noble purpose of life, an humble objective, to serve and heal the humanity.

(Go to Home Page).

Link to this article.

What India Needs Today?

In India we need good leaders. If we compare any other countries, the great leaders, who are in high positions, who are very powerful in government offices, in public offices, the leader would come down on streets, he would meet the common man on streets, he would look at him as his fellow citizen, his brother, his fellow Indian, this leader would say,
"you are not inferior to me, we both need to create together, this India".

This rich man, a millionaire (a corod-pati in India) would say,
"oh boy, i will make you rich and happy, oh my brother, take this money, these millions and buy machinery, lets create more using machines, that's how we export more, that's how we become richer, self sufficient, that's how the Indian economy improves. Create more, so that India is less dependent and self sufficient. Export more and be more rich. We need more production by machines".

Every common man, poor man needs to be empowered, we need to give them the power, to create and generate more and more.

At the same time India is addicted to bad addictions like alcohol, tobacco, fear, this fear in quite common. 
I see a common man is afraid. He is afraid of God, superstitious, he is afraid of his rich leaders at higher positions, in order to give respect, he thinks that he should be afraid of the rich men, which is completely not true. 

If we want India to improve, then the poor common man who is on streets needs to realize his human rights. He may not be a slave, he may not be afraid of the great leaders, or rich people. 

At the same time the great leaders need to realize that they are not supposed to use the fear factor to control the poor weaker sections. 

Somehow we need leaders who can make them realize that, 
"oh poor man you are not inferior to me, 
do not be afraid of me, 
you are my friend, 
you are my brother, 
I am sitting in this high position to serve you, 
we both together can create and develop a vibrant India".

If we look at the global economy, the position of India in the global economy, where does the rupee stand? 
whats the purchasing capacity of rupee? 
For example, if I purchase a kilogram of rice in Indian market, then I need to pay 50 rupees, 
where as a person in united states, would purchase the same kilogram of rice for 1 dollar. 
You see, a huge difference, the richer countries which are already rich, need to realize that, they need to help the poor countries, to improve their economy, to increase the purchasing power, of rupee.

India does not have the capacity, to import, because of its weaker purchasing capacity, in the global market. 
What else is the alternative solution? 
it is that, India needs to be self sufficient, it should generate, it should produce, it should create quality, here in India. 
Only then they can generate more of revenue, more of production.

Link to this article.

Today one of my students, asked me, 
"sir I am chatting on my mobile, with one of my girl friends in California, and I know where the California is, but the girl does not know where is India, she asked him where are you from, and this kid says he is from India, and the girl does not recognize where is India in the global map. 
This is what is the situation of India. Now this student of mine, asks me, sir, how to make my country great, how to make my country popular, so that they recognize me in California."

There are hundreds of countries which are rich compared to India, there are many rich countries around the globe, other than united states. 
But we are not familiar with them, not heard of them, but there are many countries which are richer. 

When we look at them and try to learn from them, then what we see is that, these small countries which are very rich, having good infrastructure, much cleaner, not polluted, having good health, medical, hygienic, which are flourishing, having a good global economy, having global recognition, with good purchasing power, capacity.

The political leaders, higher officers, entrepreneurs, in the richer developed countries are much patriotic. And they are much more compassionate, towards their fellow citizens, they want their entire nation to develop. They are much broad minded compared to Indian political leaders. 

On one hand India needs to improve the moral character, the attitude and the personality of every Indian rich and poor both, has to improve. 

At the same time, the Indians need to control their addictions. Addictions have destroyed many Indians. 

They look at the stories of rama, krishna, shiva, etc. They say shivji used to consume madira(alcohol), called as bhang in India. 
In the name of following shivji they want to smoke grass tobacco (marijuana, cannabis).

In the name of rama and krishna they think of making war (using weapons like bow and arrows, and trishul), creating destructive behavior within themselves, destroying themselves. Their superstitious mentality, making them afraid of God, that is what is wrong.

The country cannot grow when they are afraid. Moreover the Indian poor man looks at the powerful person as God, 
they look at a rich man as God, 
they start giving too much respect to them, they are afraid to speak to them, 
instead of looking at them with compassion, 
there is lack of transparency, 
lack of humanity and brotherhood between the rich and the poor. 

That is what is the problem. And the rich take it for granted. The rich people, deep in their heart, do not realize, what are their responsibilities and duties towards the common man.

Every rich man, and every powerful person, should realize deep in his heart, that it is his purpose of life, to serve and to empower the poor man. 
To connect to the poor man. 
To make the poor man feel comfortable. 
Too make the poor man feel courageous, with real hopes to make their dreams come true.

Link to this article.
Corruption in INDIA by Rich Politicians.

Say NO to Cast Reservation.
While reformers are struggling to move towards a caste-free society,
politicians are busy making laws that would widen the gap.
-- Sri Sri Ravishankar on Reservation Bill which was passed in Rajya Sabha

Impact of reservation based on religion and cast in education system.

In 2023 the reservation must not be based on cast. Ambedkar did something which was applicable at that point of time. But now the need is to create new laws based on the real fact. Why at all there has to be a reservation in education system based on cast and religion? 
Probably because some communities are financially weaker or economically poor. 
If that’s the case then what’s the cast or religion got to do with reservation system? 
If any individual is weaker financially then definitely he or she should be helped financially by giving generous loans, but is it right to neglect the intelligence, 
or do injustice to hard efforts, 
or compare the intelligence based on the cast or religion. 

For example lets consider 
“A” a person without any reservation, 
and another “B” person with reservation, 
now lets assume both have scored A+ marks for example 70% aggregate. 
“B” is financially weaker cast than “A”, right? 
Can we ever classify them based on their intelligence and efforts? 
We know that both have equally scored because of their intelligence and efforts. 
So why give admission to “B” instead of “A”. 
It would be fair if “B” had a financial help or grant from the system. 
It would be fair enough if both had got the admission without any reservation for cast and religion.

Corruption in INDIA by Rich Politicians.

Free and Fare Education system / Electoral system.

Simple concept: 
Why do we give examinations? 
Probably because we believe in hard work, 
we believe in intelligence, 
we believe in justice for free and fair evaluations, 
we believe in worship of knowledge, 
we believe in the examination authority and the examiners.

Just imagine what would have happened if all this had changed. 
For example if the hard effort was not rewarded, 
if the intelligence was not respected, 
if there were manipulations in evaluations, 
if the power of knowledge was miss utilized, 
if the examination authority and examiners had lost its credibility with greed, wickedness and bad ambitions. 

Why at all would the people attend to examinations 
or at all register for the examination, 
when there is no value for results and no credibility of the examining authority? 
Its simple if there is no good purpose then there is no point in creating the system.

Advocate Kunal Sharma, has betrayed me with false promises.

On one hand, justice system is critical for a better nation. Providing law and order to citizens. It's important for citizens to be patriotic, to be caring, helpful and kind to others. With a commitment and passion to provide justice. At the same time there are people who are misusing the power of law, to manipulate with the justice system. Recently I was betrayed by an advocate, who is supposed to provide justice to others by profession.

Advocate Mr Kunal Sharma has betrayed me. This person who is supposed to provide justice is doing injustice himself. Such people are a curse to this great nation.
Read more.

Link to this article.


ADDICTIONS to Relax, and to Feel Good.

ALCOHOL is more dangerous than cocaine and other drugs but still legal.

Say NO to ADDICTIONS.  Addictions are used for relaxation of mind.

Addictions are used to relive the human brain from pain. (Where as Meditation can help to combat pain). Meditation will help to avoid addictions.

Addictions are used to calm down, or shut down the sensations to brain. (Meditation can help to create calmness).

Addictions are used to avoid bitter thinking. (Meditation can help to create constructive hopeful thinking).

In other words, addictions are used to avoid frustrations.
To ignore bitter truths of reality.
To soother the mental pain. (trauma).

The Question is: 
Is it possible to find solutions if we avoid constructive thinking? (Answer is, NO)

The Logic of unhealthy addictions:
Unhealthy addictions happen to avoid frustrations.
Frustrations happen due to destructive thinking.
Destructive thinking happens due to anger and hatred. 
Frustration and anger is the root cause of all evil.

Solution to Addictions:
Meditation can be used to control thought process.
Meditation to control physical body, by concentrating on breathing process.
Concentrating on body muscles, to heal, strengthen and cure.
Meditation to seek within constructive questions. In order to find easy simple solutions.

Movie Film Actors, Media Celebrities, Political Leaders, Business Tycoons.
Everyone who has the power to address huge populations.
Each one of them who has made big name, fame and wealth, by utilizing common citizens.
It is time to raise voices on behalf of the common citizens.
It is time to pay back the dues to the common citizens.

All those who can convey messages to common citizen.
It is a compulsion to convey a clear message to every citizen.
To avoid addictions, to be patriotic, to create clean and healthy nation.
To avoid corruption, to avoid black money.
To provide basic amenities at a lesser price to improve standard of living.
To help the common citizen, to create a better nation.

The poor common man on streets is caught in the severe grief of addictions like alcohol, tobacco, drugs, sex, etc. Let’s analyze the root cause of this. Why would a common man working hard all day long, to earn his livelihood, would spend his hard earned wages on these destructive addictions. It is because of his frustrations, he is not happy, he is unable to feel the security, he is tensed and angry, he is in need of mental peace and wants to relax his mind, in order to feel happy. He wants to run away from his daily problems. He is not ready to give a thought and fight constructively. He does not want to take mental pain to analyze, to find solutions to his problems. Will he be ever able to find solutions if he does not resolve the issues with constructive optimism, brotherhood, love and compassion? Is this contagious? Will he be able to overcome? If he meditates, learns to relax his mind, learns to concentrate on his problems, to find solutions.

It is Absolutely WRONG to think that,
Drinking Alcohol and Smoking Tobacco are High Class Life-Styles.
They are Like Slow Poisons, they kill slowly.
More over people just imitate and follow what they see.
Never teach bad things to others.

Little bit of poison acts like a medicine.
Taking medicines only when facing sickness.
Not to get addicted to medicines.

Advocate Kunal Sharma, has betrayed me with false promises.

On one hand, justice system is critical for a better nation. Providing law and order to citizens. It's important for citizens to be patriotic, to be caring, helpful and kind to others. With a commitment and passion to provide justice. At the same time there are people who are misusing the power of law, to manipulate with the justice system. Recently I was betrayed by an advocate, who is supposed to provide justice to others by profession.

Advocate Mr Kunal Sharma has betrayed me. This person who is supposed to provide justice is doing injustice himself. Such people are a curse to this great nation.
Read more.

Cancer alcohol tobacco.

Conscious intoxication.

Link to this article.
ADDICTIONS to Relax, and to Feel Good.
@. Blogger

Nice Song on Addiction:


Anti-Corruption Movement in India.

India is making severe attempts and efforts to change as per the need of the new generation. We all need to contribute and create a cleaner society so that we can as well live in it. All big things start with a small first step. This first step is sometimes difficult. India has already forgiven and neglected its corrupt politicians since quite long time. By now these corrupt politicians have already created their powerful empires and have also thought other poor citizens to abide by their rules. Every poor Indian needs to be liberated from this grief. He needs to be aware of living a better life-style. It seems today younger generation is demanding this transparent, clean and hygienic environment. It is the demand of younger generations, thus it will be achieved at any cost and condition, by this way or the other, human race will definitely evolve to the next level, and this is universal rule, not only in India. Below are a few interesting links to enjoy and ponder.

Link to this article.
Anti-Corruption Movement in India.

Here is an interesting critical mass experiment to enrich our belief in humanity:

Corruption is one of the reasons for our great mother land to be suffering in terms of development, poverty and injustice. Corruption is a disease which is destroying India inside out. This is one of the reasons for India's victimized poor people to elect corrupt politicians and to give them power to rule in parliament. India already has too many corrupt politicians in parliament. Who are already destructively powerful and are not ready to rectify themselves, they are also afraid to accept LOKPAL, only because they will lose their power to rule with destructive corruption, they look at the poor Indians as their slaves, who can elect them by giving votes when ever they ask. It is very important to eliminate corruption, to empower the common mans strength by liberating him from this slavery, towards prosperity. Country's prosperity and standard of living can improve only when every common man realizes and accepts the truth of moral values in his life-style. Every Indian needs to be patriotic and intelligent enough to live a hygienic, transparent and satisfying life in an serine society. This is the demand of Today's generation and thus it will be achieved at any cost and at any condition.

Link to this article.
Anti-Corruption Movement in India.

Vande mataram, Bharat mata ki jai. Sarve bhavantu sukinaha.
May India be blessed with Constructive Optimism.

Everyone is equal in the court of LAW. None is above or below in front of PRINCIPLES of law. Law is nothing but a set of principles to protect the innocent truth, the poor man, the common man. Why would the most powerful political leaders get afraid of verification, and cross examinations. Why are they afraid if they are innocent. Why would they be afraid if they have done no blunders. Transparency is always the best policy ever, to serve the poor common man. Transparent verification helps to provide the human rights....
Watch this video:
Combating Corruption (Art of Living)

Corruption increases in society only if society supports corruption. As a society, we must all stand up against corruption. Firstly, corruption should stop in the bureaucracy. Secondly, the corrupt politicians must be thought a lesson. We must find all possible ways to fight corruption. Corruption only happens when there is a sense of non-belonging. None can be corrupt to the people they belong to. We need to bring the sense of belonging to every individual. How can that happen? When the mind is stress free. A stress free mind is the source of love and belonging. Corruption spreads due to Lack of sense of belonging. Prevalence of corruption shows that belonging seems to have been dead. We must foster a sense of belonging, across the presidium of nationalities and religions. The art of living has wide range of programs that can help people learn how to cultivate a sense of belonging. Over the past several years Sri Sri Ravishankar, has been taking his vision, of a corruption free society to the masses. It is very unfortunate that India is facing corruption. Violence and domestic violence on women. It is very sad to know that violence has started in India too. People from all religions should come together and strive against corruption. As a result thousands of Indians have sworn to fight corruption. Both at the level of individual, and of the community. Not limited to only one section of society, this movement has reached out the common man in all his diverse roads. To corporates, to villages, Urban youth and home makers, who have pledged their support in the campaign against corruption. The inspiration has been Sri Sri Ravishankar, who has understood the causes of corruption, and gives a lasting solution of spirituality. Sri Sri's message of spiritualistic politics and secularizing business has changed the way people are looking at life. From small village where villagers maintain a shop without a manager, and pay for their goods in a community box, to the European parliament, where entrepreneurs have pledged to maintain ethical business practices.
To propel youth towards nation building. the art of living organized the youth march against corruption and terrorism. in Delhi on march the first 2009, it had a three fold emphasis, awareness, accountability, and action.
in December 2010, art of living youth volunteers participated in a march against corruption organized by 18 NGO's in Bangalore. This result was demonstrated yet again in January 2011, when a citizen drafter corruption watch dog the Lokpal bill was created. India witnessed massive support for the bill, as thousands of people from 40 cities poured into the street, and the India against corruption movement was born. The corrupt person will not be able to operate when the common citizens stand up against corruption. We need to set right the bribe givers first. so that they do not give bribes. To rise a moral spiritual wave, with which the self-confidence increases to refuse to give bribes. Support for the march against corruption galvanized in the months of February and March. In April Anna Hazare undertook a fast against corruption, in support thousand of art of living volunteers participated in these peaceful rallies across the country. And persuaded officers to refuse bribe. Even as the issue grew larger, sri sri Ravishankar and Anna Hazare urged people to continue their commitment towards the corruption free society. sri sri's first words to Anna Hazare, after he broke his fast were, "satya meva jayate". The truth shall prevail. The art of living has created a peaceful revolution, by strengthening the human values of trust, compassion and a sense of belonging. That has all resolved peacefully work towards the corruption free society. How can we contribute in this satyagraha (movement) against corruption? The answer to this question rests with each of us. To start with, do not take a bribe, and don't give a bribe. Corruption begins only outside the purview of belonging. One is never corrupt with the people who belong to him. Corruption begins only after the boundary of belonging. But if the youth stand up and say NO to corruption, it can be made possible. Change is possible with moral and spiritual force.

Link to this article.
Anti-Corruption Movement in India.

Dedicated Patriotic Song:

Incredible INDIA, a country of Love, Compassion and Brotherhood.
The world could only start calculations after India offered the "ZERO" to mathematics.
It was India to first teach the world about ASTROLOGY.
India was the one who helped calculate the distance to MOON.
Culture and tradition have been a priority in India.
Art was born and invented in India.
Our Bharat, is a great country which has been followed by entire civilization.
The entire civilization has been evolved from India.
May God bless the civilization to make constant progress.
I sing a song from a country where Love and compassion has always been a custom of tradition.
Being a dwelling citizen of India I want to say about this country.
Where there is no distinguish between black or white man.
Where our relationship is with each and every heart.
May be nothing else, but India pretty much knows to maintain compassion.
We repeat the words, which has already been accepted by the entire world.
Being a dwelling citizen of India I want to say about this country.
May be other countries have won wars, but India has won hearts.
Where Lord Rama still today dwells in the form of man, and Sita mata in the form of women.
Where the people are so much sacred that we honor them everyday.
Even the rivers are respected as Mothers.
Not only men, but also stones are worshiped.
I feel proud of being born in such a great country.
Being a dwelling citizen of India I want to say about this country.

Here is a beautiful song dedicated to Anti-Corruption Mission of India:

Oh lord give us the strength, to keep our firm faith in you.
Lead us to the path of righteousness.
Save us from delusions, from making any mistakes.
Save us from darkness of illusion. Give us the light of knowledge.
Save us from misdeeds (bad deeds) . Help us live a good life.
Free our world from hatred, let everyone live in Peace.
Instead of searching what we have received, let us think what we can offer. Thus Cleanse our heart of selfishness.
Let us distribute the flowers of happiness to everyone. To spread the happiness in this world.
Let everyone's life become flower gardens.
Enlighten every heart with your love of affection and kindness. Thus purify every corner of our hearts.
Thus, God is a concept of constructive optimism, with faith and hope, to achieve peace and happiness.

Watch this Video Song here:

Please visit my web-site to share my views:

Below are a few more articles written by me to empower India:

What kind of leaders India is looking for?

Why does an Indian common man smiles without stress?

A few of the various reasons and problems of poor India:

Indian movie stars (actors) influence the attitude of common man:

Advocate Kunal Sharma, has betrayed me with false promises.

On one hand, justice system is critical for a better nation. Providing law and order to citizens. It's important for citizens to be patriotic, to be caring, helpful and kind to others. With a commitment and passion to provide justice. At the same time there are people who are misusing the power of law, to manipulate with the justice system. Recently I was betrayed by an advocate, who is supposed to provide justice to others by profession.

Advocate Mr Kunal Sharma has betrayed me. This person who is supposed to provide justice is doing injustice himself. Such people are a curse to this great nation.
Read more.


Indian Movie Stars (Actors). Celebrities.

I was reading a recent article on "Shah Rukh Khan". India has created many stars. Indian Citizens have given them respect, dignity, security and protection, fame, money and power, and much more. And what did these stars give Indians back in return. 

These stars are highly intelligent, well educated, high spirited, they have great strength and energy to influence, heal, cure and send message to huge populations, using media and other communication resources. 

One of his movies I like a lot is "SWADES". And here is a nice song of optimism and happiness, one of my favorites:

He has acted in many different kind of movies which are CONSTRUCTIVE as well as DESTRUCTIVE.

I was just wondering what impact it can create on the mindset of the youngsters. If he acts in destructive movies, which contain anger, hatred, frustrations, manipulations, crazy behaviors, smoking, alcohol and addictions. 

Too much of excitement can be destructive. Where in the youngsters may just inherit and copy the same attitude. It can as well be destructive to forget all the moral values, responsibilities, good purpose of life and service to humanity. 

I realize, it is very important for the stars to stick to some principles while acting or making movies, rather than just making money, or simply making movies which can create some destructive vibrations in youngsters.

Being a teacher.  I  feel sorry when youngsters play destructive video games where in they shoot and kill just to feel happy. Or when they listen to rap musics just to forget about their tensions by doing crazy addictions.

When these youngsters have crazy looking hairstyle or when they wear crazy clothes. How would the hardworking and noble parents feel when their children would spend their precious time and money on such movies. 

Anyways I am not angry or frustrated but would definitely think intelligently about my countries future. As India is still not a developed country. India is one of the poor countries where a common man working on streets and rural areas very much needs to learn to live a hygienic and psychologically balanced life style. 

It would be extremely wonderful if these famous super stars would create only those films which would send a clear message to the Indian citizens to improve better life-styles, living standards, hygienic life-styles, show them how to create better economy, manufacturing, build their good character with moral values. 

Teach them the scientific significance of meditation, to increase strength with non-violence, compassion and brotherhood. 

I was just wondering how could common poor Indian citizen get benefited with such masala, violent movies. 

Instead of creating a humble human, they would create a violent villain, which would eventually destroy our mother land to further devastation.

Here is the article on Naseeruddin Shah
He quotes Hollywood actor Dustin Hoffman, saying, that he made an honest confession that he became an actor to meet girls, because otherwise one would look at him. Naseer believes in Dustin. 

Naseer says.
“Wine, women and song. I don’t think anyone becomes an actor to serve art. We do so because we are insecure little boys and girls who want to get a bit of attention.”

Advocate Kunal Sharma, has betrayed me with false promises.

On one hand, justice system is critical for a better nation. Providing law and order to citizens. It's important for citizens to be patriotic, to be caring, helpful and kind to others. With a commitment and passion to provide justice. At the same time there are people who are misusing the power of law, to manipulate with the justice system. Recently I was betrayed by an advocate, who is supposed to provide justice to others by profession.

Advocate Mr Kunal Sharma has betrayed me. This person who is supposed to provide justice is doing injustice himself. Such people are a curse to this great nation.
Read more.

Education with Meditation.

How yogic kriya can change our destiny?

Unmarried by Anup Jalota 

Bollywood & Hollywood.

Link to this article. 

Indian Movie Stars (Actors). Celebrities. 

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Indian Poor Man smiling without Stress.

I love my country India. Indeed we all love this country. And that is why we are all trying to make it a better place, much beautiful. 

It is very true that it seems as though, people do not have any stress. We always see smiling faces :-) in India. The only reason being that a poor man has a much tolerance and thus smiles with optimism and hope to see a better tomorrow. 

But if we look into their daily lives, we can see that they are addicted to tobacco, alcohol, abusive language, meat eating, superstition, and many more. 

This is only because they want to forget their troubles and problems, so that they can achieve some stress free life with a smile. 

They also hit and torture these animals to perform work from them. India thus needs to adopt machines instead of torturing these animals to perform their work.

Similarly a need to control population of stray dogs, monkeys, cows and other animals is also most essential. 

A poor Indian man doing daily wages labor has immunized to great quantity of torture. They work like animals in the construction sites, farms, fields, in the hot sun and rain. 

Indian poor man has adopted himself to severe painful working conditions and has adopted and immunized to severe poisonous weeds like plants. Indian government needs to provide better infrastructure like roads, colleges, hospitals, and many more. 

The government needs to provide them with machines to eliminate physical torture of both man and animals. All the necessary essentials like disinfectants, medicines, chlorine, soaps, food grains, must be provided at subsidized price rates. 

Sufficient chemical treatment measures must be adopted to eliminate the growth of weeds and other poisonous plants. Hydro-seeding needs to be enforced to eliminate global warming and pollution.

Link to this article.
Indian Poor Man smiling without Stress.

Here is an example: The power of money, in the wrong hands, creates corruption. This person was released with respect and dignity. With pomp and show. This person rules with corruption. The department of law and order provides injustice to a poor man.
Yeddyurappa gets bail, out of jail.
Sewer cleaners face risks: 
They use no glows, nor gum shoes, nor proper clothes. Only because they cannot afford hygienic life style. Basic necessities are to be provided at a cheaper price rates. 

The corrupt leaders are aware of this, but they do not react to take measures. They are too lazy.

It's a story that almost everyone in the city turns a blind eye to, the story of those who keep the city clean, who go down the gutters, the sewage and clean the garbage at a huge risk to their own lives in India.

Compare this with USA.

In San Francisco: (part 1)

Link to this article.
Indian Poor Man smiling without Stress.

Priority to the common man.
If we consider developed countries. If we look at the,
good health and 
standard of living, 
of the developed countries. It is noted that the powerful person in authority, at the highest office, is patriotic enough to provide the "best quality product" at the "lowest price" affordable by the common "poorest citizen". 

The best quality product is affordable by the poorest citizen of the country. The "highest standard of living" comes by providing "best quality" to the "poorest citizen" at the "lowest price".

This is the divine key mantra to develop our country.
A country can develop only when the poor citizen can have a highest standard of hygienic life.

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Indian Poor Man smiling without Stress.

FDI is Good for India: (foreign Direct Investment)

* Benefit the Common Man
* Brings the Latest Technology to Farmers in India.
* Helps saving Farm produce from Destruction.
* Provides Daily Essential Commodities at Lower Rates & prices.

FDI is the governments initiative to rise the standard of living of the POOR CITIZEN in INDIA.
It does not matter, it is immaterial either BJP, Congress, NDA Or any other party proposes it or passes it.
It is for the growth and development of INDIA our motherland where we live.
It must be embraced with enthusiasm. India needs retail stores which are widely distributed and networked, covering every nook and corner of remote villages.

This will help set up stores in villages and remote areas where in a smaller investor (shop owner) would hesitate to invest higher finance.
Government has realized the value to strengthen the Indian economy.
This change will positively impact the Indian market and its people, and will contribute toward India's image as a welcoming destination for international businesses.
Will help reduce wastage of farm produce, improve the livelihood of farmers, lower prices of products and ease supply-side inflation.
Large-scale and high-volume sourcing, long-standing relationships with manufacturers and suppliers, and technological edge will enable us to realize greater operational efficiencies, which will be reflected in a wide assortment and selection of goods at low prices.
Investments in back-end infrastructure and supply chains, international retailers will help eliminate waste, ensure food safety, hygiene and quality—all of which we will be able to pass on to the end consumer in the form of quality goods at low prices.
Direct farm initiatives will ensure better remunerations for farmers and high quality, fresh produce for customers. With our strong focus on training our employees, our customers can be assured of a world-class experience at our stores.

Link to this article.
Indian Poor Man smiling without Stress.

Bharti Walmart MD and CEO Raj Jain tells Chaitali Chakravarty in an interview.
Walmart, which has a wholesale joint venture with Bharti Enterprises, may take the relationship to front-end retail.

Read More Here:


Ratan Tata welcomes decision on FDI in multi-brand retail.

Ratan Tata hails Govt move on FDI in retail

Farmers hail FDI in retail

Advocate Kunal Sharma, has betrayed me with false promises.

On one hand, justice system is critical for a better nation. Providing law and order to citizens. It's important for citizens to be patriotic, to be caring, helpful and kind to others. With a commitment and passion to provide justice. At the same time there are people who are misusing the power of law, to manipulate with the justice system. Recently I was betrayed by an advocate, who is supposed to provide justice to others by profession.

Advocate Mr Kunal Sharma has betrayed me. This person who is supposed to provide justice is doing injustice himself. Such people are a curse to this great nation.
Read more.
