Getting a low paid job is easier. Easier to survive. But difficult to create security for future life.
If you want to get highly paid private job or salary income. Then the easy way is to have good contact of influential people and support of wealthy people.
For this, you have to communicate for guidance and direction. To take actions depending upon their decisions. Similar to a puppet.
You need support of wealthy influential people to make big money.
To earn a little money for survival you have to be hard working, honest, prompt, polite, patient, obedient, etcetera.
Because with these qualities it's difficult to earn higher income.
This is very difficult way. If you don't have support of wealthy influential people.
Wealthy people always help the other wealthy people only.
You have to show that you are wealthy too.
This is sad and negative. If you are not wealthy.
Getting secured Government or private job is very difficult.
Private Employer want to extract more work and pay less salary. This is safe way of management. It includes greed.
Manipulation and exploitation by private organisations.
Government job are secured but available for only few.
Highly paid jobs in private sector are available for only few.
Private organisations provide temporary employment on contract basis at a lower salary. To save revenue and to make profits.
They keep changing these temporary contract workers.
Secured jobs are only for influential people. Where in they can't be removed because they have support of higher government officials in authority to question the private organisations.
Working with people who are helpful, and who respect us is very important.
Respect is when the other person wants to help you. To achieve your goals.
Sometimes people are different and they are not like minded. Their ideas and principles are different. Their ways of accomplishing goals is different. But still sometimes different people respect each other because of a single objective or goal. The goal is to help eachother to achieve eachothers objective of survival. To live and to let live.
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Joy of job employment.
Corruption cut money bribe.
Purpose of job in Himalayas.
Link to this article.
Job. Influence. Salary. Income.