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Sunday, August 28, 2022

USA poverty homeless slums.

Skid row. Los Angeles. Wikipedia.

Link to this video. Search more. Google search.

Westerners come to India, record video at slums and show to the world how bad India is. 

Here is an Indian who went to America, shot a similar place in the USA.

"Skid Row” is a place in Los Angeles. Skid Row contains the largest populations of homeless people in the United States, USA. About 9,200–15,000. And it has been known since the 1930s. Its long history of police raids, targeted city initiatives, and homelessness advocacy make it one of the most notable districts in Los Angeles.

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Slums poverty in USA.

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Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Politicians vs leaders.

Politics vs leadership.

Difference between politicians and leaders.

The words of:

Dr. Myles. Munroe.

Don't ever believe that a politician is a leader. Because the system that we have, produces politicians. It doesn't produce leaders. So you can have a politician who knows nothing about leadership. And he is leading you. Politicians are concerned about the next election. That's all they are interested in. That's why they cannot be leaders. But leaders are different. 
Leaders are concerned about the next generation. Compare the two thoughts. 

When the next time a politician comes to your house. Wanting to vie your vote. Just ask him:

What is your vision for my children. I will sit and listen for twenty minutes and you should tell me what it is.

He will leave your house. Because he has no interest in your future generations. His concern is to stay in power. To keep the position. To win the next election. This is why they cannot lead. 

When you are going to have a conversation with a politician. You should actually try this as a test. 
As a citizen of a community you have the rights to be seen by the mayor. If you voted for the mayor, then he works for you. Therefore you have the rights to see him. You can make an appointment with any public officer you voted for. It's your legal right. 

The meaning of government.

Corruption cut money bribe.

Types of leaders.

Manipulation to achieve desires.

Logic of Good and Bad:

Anti-Corruption Movement in India.

Corruption in INDIA by Rich Politicians.

My Country, India, Superstitious, Dirty, Corrupt

Duty, Responsibility, Law and Order

Link to this article.
Politics vs leadership.
Difference between politicians and leaders.

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