A SWAMIJI, (or a monk, or a spiritual master)
Who gets ANGRY.
Is a STUPID person.
To test if he is real SWAMIJI.
Make him ANGRY.
And see his BEHAVIOUR.
For a PROSPEROUS person to succeed.
Requires to CONTROL his MIND.
There is a saying that.
Do not argue with STUPID person.
He will drag you to his LEVEL and
He will beat you with his BAD EXPERIENCES, that he has faced in his life before.
WEALTH will become a BLESSING only when it's created with a good PURPOSE.
It can be created with:
And also with.
Just like: similar to:
And or as an.
PEACEFUL SWAMIJI ( monk, spiritual master )
Both of them want to protect the peace.
Everything has a PURPOSE.
As there are DIFFERENT types of situations.
But the PURPOSE must be good.
And this good PURPOSE must be achieved with minimal destruction.
But the reality is.
Even when achieving good purpose with DESTRUCTIVE action its painful.
Because the BP, blood pressure and SUGAR will increase.
It will hurt the mind and then the body.
That is why government is giving free LIQUOR and MEAT to ARMY SOLDIERS.
But is it possible to restore a good body and mind by consuming this type of food.
But ARMY SOLDIERS enjoy this kind of action. They are happy to perform action.