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Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Woman as a wife and mother.


Link to above YouTube.

Children meditation.

There are a few women in india. 

They survive by controlling their husbands and children.  

They achieve financial security by doing like this.  

They will do anything and everything to achieve their desires.  

They want their family members to be their slaves.  Because they want to survive.  

Thus the husband and children feel miserable and get addicted to alcohol, tobacco and many other addictions.  

Addictions will destroy the person with weaker.  

After this, the woman will dominate by acquiring the remaining leftover wealth and property.   

Wife will use lust to weaken and to control the husband.  

She will use various emotions to control other family members.  

Various manipulative emotions similar to love, kindness, anger, fear, lust, superstition, etcetera.

Different emotions are just vibrations of different types.
Don't be a slave of your emotions. 
Sexual attraction and puppy love are ridiculous. 
@. Video.01.  

Love is Freedom.

Man and Woman are EQUAL.

Joy of marriage.

Marriage. Scientific Reason.

Happily Married Good Friends.

Link to this article.

Woman as a wife and mother.



@. Blogger

Enter the url link webpage. And translate to your language.

Main page.

Bitter truth.

In Kannada language.


Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Convert bad into good.

We usually meet. 

Two types of people, good and bad. 

Good people have contol over their minds. They perform good positive actions of healing.

And bad people don't have control over their minds. Thus they perform negative actions of chaos.

One type of good people who have controlled their thoughts in their minds. They are calm, gentle, humble, kind and helpful. These people will always respect others by providing support for healing. Such persons are kind, helpful and understanding. They understand the reasoning behind their purpose of action.

Another type of bad people who have not controlled their thoughts in their minds. They are wicked, mischievous, rude, manipulative, hiding, selfish, arrogantly possessive with strong headed and stubborn. These people will not respect others, they will not provide support for healing. Such persons are arrogant, mischievous, fickle minded and selfish.  

We can meet two types of people. 

To create good karma in life actions. Don't hurt the good people. Try to rectify the bad people. Convert and change bad into good. Bad might hurt you if you try to rectify them. But still it's necessary, try as much possible, without hurting youself, depending upon your sustaining capacity. Rectifying and transforming bad people is necessary, but it requires care and precaution. But it's important to bring change. 

Bad people create problems with their physical actions. They don't have peaceful control over their physical actions. 

Good people create a better society and a better nation. Corruption free society. Better organized and serene. Thus it's necessary to convert bad into good. 

Thus converting the bad mind into good mind is difficult and requires more effort. It requires skills. Changing the thoughts in the mind is not a easy task. But it's a permanent solution to the problem. 

Bad people are afraid of losing their power of survival if they convert and change themselves. But this is their wrong thinking which is just a false fear in bad people. 

Good people must have power of authority to convert and rectify the bad people. To maintain law and order. To provide justice. 

Meditation will help to control the mind. It must be introduced in all government organisations and private organisations, schools and universities. Initially for smaller time periods, and increased gradually. It's compulsory but with care and precaution.**

Link to this article.
Convert bad into good.

Types of leaders.

Manipulation to achieve desires.

Logic of Good and Bad:

Woman as a wife and mother.

Anti-Corruption Movement in India.

Corruption in INDIA by Rich Politicians.

My Country, India, Superstitious, Dirty, Corrupt

Duty, Responsibility, Law and Order


Monday, September 13, 2021

Sanskrit Language Mantra

Understanding with scientific proof and meaning will help in creating a better future. **

All the Slokas (mantras) must be recited in an understandable language, so that it's meaning can be understood by higher percentage of the listening population.  

It's much more fruitful if the Sanskrit Slokas (mantras) are translated and modified by the government authority into several languages, and the government must also provide rules and regulations to chant these understandable Slokas mantras in such a way (appropriate language and appropriate time and appropriate volume in loud speakers) to provide benifit to the listening population. Thus it can provide better results for the nation building.  

I am Not Religious (Non-Superstitious), and I do not blindly follow what ever is written in religious scriptures, as it may lead to superstition. Thus I believe in reasoning and analysis using science. Anything written in religious scriptures is meaningful only when it is proved with scientific facts of science with proofs. A reasoning to convince the human mind is a must.  
Read more here.  
Cast, God and religion.   

My understanding of religion and God. 
Read more here.

Various forms of God. 
Read more here:

Human evolution.
Evolution of religions, and gods.

Scripture Meanings. 

Sanskrit Language Mantra.

On one hand, justice system is critical for a better nation. Providing law and order to citizens. It's important for citizens to be patriotic, to be caring, helpful and kind to others. With a commitment and passion to provide justice. 
At the same time there are people who are misusing the power of law, to manipulate with the justice system. Recently I was betrayed by an advocate, who is supposed to provide justice to others by profession.
Advocate Mr Kunal Sharma has betrayed me. This person who is supposed to provide justice is doing injustice himself. Such people are a curse to this great nation.
Read more here.


Monday, August 16, 2021

Krishna's justice in Mahabharata

In indian court of law. They swear upon the Bhagwat Gita, to speak the truth. To provide justice.

In Mahabharata there were strong people like, Bhishma, Dronacharya, Karana. They all thought they were doing justice by their actions.

Enjoying good life

Who can enjoy their life.
Who is eligible to enjoy life.
Living a good life is liberty of the good people.  
But who are good or bad people.  
What is justice or injustice.  
Who deserves and who don’t. 

Justice is to protect the innocent.  
But who is defined as innocent.  
The innocent one who is humble, gentle and kind.  

But it’s mistake to consider the innocent to be weaker. 
The one who is humble and gentle must not be enslaved and tortured.   

The power of authority must provide the knowledge of justice to its citizens. 
So that citizens are wise, to live a good life.  
What is the truth.

On one hand, justice system is critical for a better nation. Providing law and order to citizens. It's important for citizens to be patriotic, to be caring, helpful and kind to others. With a commitment and passion to provide justice. At the same time there are people who are misusing the power of law, to manipulate with the justice system. Recently I was betrayed by an advocate, who is supposed to provide justice to others by profession.

Advocate Mr Kunal Sharma has betrayed me. This person who is supposed to provide justice is doing injustice himself. Such people are a curse to this great nation.

Money is not everything in life.

Proof, evidence of justice.

Enjoying good life.


Monday, August 9, 2021

Why Fake profiles?

Link to this video

Link to this video

Link to this video.
Search more.

Why are fake profiles created. The fake profile creator sends friend request to the receiver. There is a (sender) and (receiver) of the friend request. Below are the possible reasons for creation of fake profiles.

(1) Either the sender has a intention to do wrong things.

(2) The sender wants to communicate without revealing sender’s identity to everyone else in friend list. If the receiver knows the identity of the sender, if revealed by the sender, then the receiver might accept the friend request. 

(3) The sender wants to communicate without revealing their identity to everyone. Including the receiver to whom they are sending the request. In this case the chances that the receiver might not accept the friend request, because of not knowing the identity.

When people want to do wrong things. Then they are afraid to show their face, and their name, identity. That is why they think it's safe for them to create fake profiles, so that they can do wrong things. Wise people who are good can understand this.

People create fake profiles. Usually the request sender knows the receiver. The sender is purposely hiding their face.

It is not good to do wrong things knowingly, consciously, it's a blunder, sin. More than a mistake, done unknowingly. 

Doing wrong things consciously, knowingly, purposely, will have memory in subconscious mind which is not good karma or action.

I never want to have unknown person as my friend. It's of no use to me. I don't want to hide my face. And I don't wish to do wrong things.

Every action that is made consciously or unconsciously is generated by the thought in the mind. Thus keeping good thoughts in pure mind will
generate good actions. 

Doing wrong things will generate fear, and unstable mind. Not good for healing.

Having thoughts of transparency, without hiding,
will provide strength to perform good actions to live a healthy and happy life. 
Healthy body is possible only with healthy mind. Healing to mind and body.

Please don't waste time. 🙏

God bless with wisdom of truth, loyalty and kindness 🙏

Why Fake profile?

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Good Score, marks in examination

Students score good marks and grades in examinations. They have memory capacity to reproduce what is written in the books.

Some students write exactly what is there in the text book correctly. But they don't know how to implement. what is the meaning. To implement and embed the knowledge into noble purpose of life. To realise what is their purpose of life. Knowledge must be used to accomplish noble purpose. To serve humanity and mankind. To establish justice with gentleness. For balanced healing. 

It's a memory capacity of people to write and speak what is written, without understanding the meaning. 

Memory of knowledge is meaningful and useful only when implemented correctly.

Education with Meditation.

Education without purpose.

Kannada India student. Krishna.

Good Score, marks in examination.

Enter the url link webpage. And translate to your language.


Proof, evidence of justice.

Ravana and duryodhana were powerful, but they misused their power, and purpose.

Good person is the one who is gentle, kind and truthful. Good person is the one who tries to associate with justice.

If you are a good person. If a bad person does injustice to a good person. If you want to be a good person. If you want to create good karma for yourself. You should not do injustice to a good person. It's better to rectify a bad person peacefully, with gentleness. 

If we are a good person. Injustice can happen to us, but we must not do injustice to other good people. When a good person meets a bad person. The good person must try to rectify the bad person peacefully. Convincing the thoughts with gentleness.

Only because wrong things have happened to us. We must not blindly do wrong things to good people.

The stupid person thinks that there is nothing wrong in making money by telling lies, and manipulating,  and fooling people with false promises. He thinks that he is successful by making money. He thinks that he has intelligence to escape. He thinks that nobody can punish him. He thinks that the power of money is the ultimate powerful, which will protect the guilty.

The person has witnessed that people doing wrong things are happy. That is why a stupid person thinks of doing bad things to achieve happiness. Because he has already witnessed this happening before. His thinking will change only when he witnesses the proof of higher power of justice.   

When a person thinks that he can get happiness by doing wrong things. 

He wants proof that he will be punished if he does wrong things.  

He wants proof that a higher power exists which provides the justice, by revealing the truth, and protects the innocent.  

When the person starts asking questions, and seeking for answers, it is the direction towards the journey of refinement, the mind seeking for happiness.  

A person who is manipulating to achieve happiness, will certainly get the proof, and realize that a higher power exists which will provide justice.   

A situation will arise when the person will completely accept the truth, and seeks and begs desperately for forgiveness.   

He will understand that fruits of his actions are for sure called as karma. 

The justice system in the court of law swears upon Bhagawat Gita. In the end ultimately the justice prevails.  

The person can feel the intuition of what is correct and wrong. The faith becomes a reality.

On one hand, justice system is critical for a better nation. Providing law and order to citizens. It's important for citizens to be patriotic, to be caring, helpful and kind to others. With a commitment and passion to provide justice. At the same time there are people who are misusing the power of law, to manipulate with the justice system. Recently I was betrayed by an advocate, who is supposed to provide justice to others by profession.

Advocate Mr Kunal Sharma has betrayed me. This person who is supposed to provide justice is doing injustice himself. Such people are a curse to this great nation.

Injustice can happen to us but we must not do injustice to other good people, only because wrong things have happened to us.

Proof, evidence of justice.

Money is not everything in life.

Enjoying good life.

Justice of Krishna in Mahabharata.

Krishna and Karna conversation.

Search more on YouTube.

Krishna and Karna conversation.

Krishna meets Dhritarashtra to negotiate peace.

Enter the url link webpage. And translate to your language.


Monday, June 28, 2021

Types of Leaders

Only an intellectual can compare and analyse. The difference between good and bad. The way how nature works and what would eventually happen, when the bad becomes powerful.  
We all know that humans have higher level of intelligence, compared to any other animals. And this intelligence, can either be constructive or destructive. 

Eventually there are two types of leaders - good and bad.  

* One type of Wild Leader, who rules and dictates using fear. Another is Humble Leader, who rules using Compassion.  

* Humble Leader has peaceful motivated followers. Arrogant Leader has wicked followers motivated by fear.  

* The Wild Leader uses fear to control his followers. But the Humble Leader uses compassion to convince his followers.  

* Thus it is important the way we adopt to create the society. 

If Each of us realizes this secret to success, then our Nation will be number one, with constructive optimism. 

May the concept of optimism, called as "God" bless my mother-land INDIA.

Link to this article.
Types of leaders.
@. Blogger

Manipulation to achieve desires.

Logic of Good and Bad:

Anti-Corruption Movement in India.

Corruption in INDIA by Rich Politicians.

My Country, India, Superstitious, Dirty, Corrupt

Duty, Responsibility, Law and Order


Friday, May 14, 2021

Unmarried by Anup Jalota

All these great men and women are not married. 

Mr Atal Bihari Vajpayee

Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

Mr Ratan Tata.

Dr. Homi J. Bhabha.

Mr Anna Hazare.

Sir M Visvesvaraya.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.

We are all walking on a spiritual path. As we keep on sharing lots of videos and messages from various great souls and masters. We are the best person to understand this perfectly why people do not marry.

There are many great men and women who have not married. Due to circumstances Because creating a happy family requires certain ingredients. Better not to create something which does not produce happiness and peace.

Anup Jalota, is an Indian singer, musician and actor best known for his performances in the Hindu devotional music, and bhajans.

See this comedy joking video of

Anup Jalota.

Link to this video

Link to this video.

Search for more videos.

Society has created many stars, actors. Citizens have given them respect, dignity, security and protection, fame, money and power, and much more. And what did these stars give Indians back in return. These stars are highly intelligent, well educated, high spirited, they have great strength and energy to influence, heal, cure and send message to huge populations, using media and other communication resources. People say something to make money. It's not good.

I have written about this here:

It is quite a common scene in today's world that we see folks making funny jokes. In get-together occasions, parties, events and in almost every other function. In these situations the main AIM or PURPOSE is: to attract the attention of the audience, to rise their spirits high, to refresh their moods with happiness, etc.

I have written about this here:

It is a human nature to get a recognition, to gather fame and praise, to be outstanding and extraordinary. Every desire must be achieved with peace, with a minimal amount of destructions. Peace  to achieve the desires with humbleness. Achieved with convincing the minds with compassion, and not by confusing, and misguiding, with destructive manipulations. And every desire needs to be noble. Only then our desires can make a perfect sense.

I have written about this here:

Something wrong happens in front of our eyes. We are the witness. Should we just look at it and ignore? Or should we think about it and then ignore? Or should we say it is wrong and then rectify the mistakes with healing and wisdom? Wisdom is to do what ever best possible peacefully. So that the required correct rectification can happen.

Link to this article. 

Unmarried by Anup Jalota

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Purpose of life

 A SWAMIJI, (or a monk, or a spiritual master)

Who gets ANGRY.

Is a STUPID person.

To test if he is real SWAMIJI.

Make him ANGRY.

And see his BEHAVIOUR.

For a PROSPEROUS person to succeed.

Requires to CONTROL his MIND. 

There is a saying that.

Do not argue with STUPID person.

He will drag you to his LEVEL and

He will beat you with his BAD EXPERIENCES, that he has faced in his life before.

WEALTH will become a BLESSING only when it's created with a good PURPOSE.

It can be created with:


And also with.


Just like: similar to:


And or as an.

PEACEFUL SWAMIJI ( monk, spiritual master )

Both of them want to protect the peace.

Everything has a PURPOSE.

As there are DIFFERENT types of situations.

But the PURPOSE must be good.

And this good PURPOSE must be achieved with minimal destruction.

But the reality is.

Even when achieving good purpose with DESTRUCTIVE action its painful.

Because the BP, blood pressure and SUGAR will increase.

It will hurt the mind and then the body.

That is why government is giving free LIQUOR and MEAT to ARMY SOLDIERS.

But is it possible to restore a good body and mind by consuming this type of food. 

But ARMY SOLDIERS enjoy this kind of action. They are happy to perform action.

Friday, January 15, 2021

Kunal Sharma

My request for refund of amount rupees 47,000 (Forty seven thousand).

From Advocate:

Mr. Kunal Sharma.

Immigration attorney, Shimla.

As I seek justice. As this person has betrayed me, with his false promises, to provide Canada Visa (work permit visa). As I am requesting for refund of my money, since March 2020. 

We believe that we can get blessings by doing good things in our lives. 

Fruits of our actions, called as karma. 

On one hand, justice system is critical for a better nation. Providing law and order to citizens. 

It's important for citizens to be patriotic, to be caring, helpful and kind to others. With a commitment and passion to provide justice. 

At the same time there are people who are misusing the power of law, to manipulate with the justice system. 

Recently I was betrayed by an advocate, who is supposed to provide justice to others by profession. 

This person who is supposed to provide justice is doing injustice himself. Such people are a curse to this great nation.

I knew this person past several years. After taking the payment from me he stopped receiving my calls, and stopped replying to my messages. Demanding for more money, exploitation by blackmailing. Delaying to refund my money. He is asking for more money. He is trying to put false blames on me. He is trying to put fear in me. He is trying to scold me. At the end of this article I have written in detail why I believed in him. 

The reason why I trust this person. He is highly educated, professional and speaks good English. He comes from a good family background. He is financially well and owns several properties, as I thought my money was in safe hands. He didn’t do any addictions. He says NO to alcohol and tobacco and he is vegetarian. I thought he is embedded with good culture of honestly and loyalty.

The reason why I trust him was that because, he spoke to me in such a way, that I believed that he is compassionate, helpful, kind and understanding. 

He spoke as if he really understood my pain, and the struggle that I am going through in my life. He spoke to me using the words like  BUDDY (close friend) and BHAI (brother). He said like, we two brothers can live together in Canada. I took him to be a brother for my life time.

His address is:

Mr. Kunal Sharma.

Advocate, Lawer, immigration Attorney.

Kunal Law Associates.

Jyoti Niwas, Madhan House Building,

Near dingu mata mandir road.

Near LIC Office, Cemetery, 
Sanjoli, ( Sanjauli ), Shimla 171006.

Himachal Pradesh.



Phone WhatsApp.

+91 98166 03280

+91 98172 03280

( Link to Google search )

He is highly educated, professional and speaks good English. He gave complete and total commitment that he would protect me and support me. As he knows about laws, I really had thought that I was lucky, and God had heard my prayers.

I know this person past several years, I know where he lives, and his house. I know he lives with his parents, his wife and daughter. He comes from a good family background. He is financially well and owns several properties, as I thought my money was in safe hands. I have also stayed with him for few days in his house. I really thought it was safe to trust him. 

He didn’t do any addictions. He says NO to alcohol and tobacco and he is vegetarian. I thought he is embedded with good culture of honesty and loyalty. 

I bet if you would speak to him then you would agree with me. But it’s unfortunate how he suddenly changed after receiving the payment. I am surprised. Such people do exist.

On February 6 2020

Kunal promised me that he would provide me work permit visa ( for professor job ) in Canada on payment of 20 thousand rupees.

He said that only 20,000 has to be paid to him before reaching Canada. Visa and flight expenses will be paid by the hiring organization.

He said that I can pay the remaining amount after receiving salary in Canada every month in installments.

He said that he is PR (permanent resident of Canada) and he said that he is also immigration attorney working on Canada immigration.

He said that after reaching Canada I can live in his house, purchased by him, to save my expenses in Canada.

He said that he is a Punjabi and as Canada has a greater population of Punjabis he said that he has good contacts of Punjabis in Canada so that he can get me work permit visa in university for professor job.

He said he knows Mr Ahluwalia ji in Canada. He said he knows Punjabi business person in Canada owning gas station petrol pump, daily stores.

He requested me to pay into his bank account online transfer.

After receiving the first payment of 20 thousand rupees, he started asking for more money. I felt he was blackmailing me. He said that I have to pay for visa.

(1) As requested by him, on

07-Feb-2020 ( 04:00 PM IST )

I have paid him rupees 20,000/- 

using sbi bank online payment transfer. ( IRL3696106 ). 

This was the initial payment to process job visa in canada.

He asked me to meet him on 11-Feb-2020 in solan.

He met me in solan. I stayed with him in his Shimla house as he requested me to stay with him for few days. So that he would help me to get a job.

After I gave him my self attested documents. He told me that I have to pay for my visa fees expenses. Not paying the amount would delay the process.

(2) As requested by him, on

12-Feb-2020 ( 04:03 PM IST )

I have paid him 17,000/- 

using sbi bank online payment transfer. ( IRL4131655 ). 

This was as a 50% of visa fees.

(3) As requested by him, on

17-Feb-2020 ( 11:35 AM IST )

I have paid him 10,000/- 

using sbi bank online payment transfer. ( IRL4441281 ).

This was for his friend working in Canadian embassy in Chandigarh.

Initially Mr. Kunal, had promised me that it would cost only 20 thousand rupees.

But Later he asked for 17 thousand more.

Then again 10 thousand more.

Total 47 thousand.

He has betrayed me by promising to do the work for 20 thousand rupees.

Before paying the initial payment of 20 thousand, I had told him that it would not be possible for me to pay more money.

I have realised that he is not trustworthy. Thus I am requesting for refund of 47,000 rupees ( Forty seven thousand rupees ). This is the total paid amount by online bank account transfer.

Kunal thinks that he is very wise and smart, but.

Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.

It is the spirit and not the form of law, that keeps justice alive.  

Knowledge without justice ought to be called as cunning. Rather than wisdom. 

A mistake is an accident. Cheating and lying are not mistakes. They are intentional choices. 

Deception may give us what we want for the present. But it will always take it away in the end.  

When you choose to hurt someone who really loves you. With your lies, deceit, and betrayal. Then you decide to become one of the worst decisions they have ever made.  

Do you Know? Why some people lie? Because telling the truth takes courage. Liars are cowherds looking for the easy way out.  

My struggle in Life: My financial situation and it's connection to my purpose of life. The reasons and answers.

My Life's journey.

Proof, evidence of justice.

Justice of Krishna in Mahabharata.

Money is not everything in life.

Advocate Kunal Sharma

has betrayed me.

Link to Bitter Truths.

Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.

It is the spirit and not the form of law, that keeps justice alive.

Knowledge without justice ought to be called as cunning. Rather than wisdom.

A mistake is an accident. Cheating and lying are not mistakes. They are intentional choices.

Deception may give us what we want for the present. But it will always take it away in the end.

When you choose to hurt someone who really loves you. With your lies, deceit, and betrayal. Then you decide to become one of the worst decisions they have ever made.

Do you Know? Why some people lie? Because telling the truth takes courage. Liars are cowherds looking for the easy way out.


Monday, January 11, 2021

Narendra Modi

Narendra Modi, Is a good leader.


He believes in growth for everyone ( in hindi: sab ka sath sab ka vikas )

He believes in yoga and meditation.


He believes in transparency, truth and mahatma gandhi.


He believes in cleanliness, of clean India mission.


His below working staff, to implement his sayings and ideas, are very slow in implementing his sayings. They must be fast and quick. To create a better India.


His staff must quickly start performing yoga in parliament and followed by in all other government offices, government schools and colleges. They have to be quick and fast to implement yoga.


His staff must quickly start implementing street cleaning machines, in public places. They have to be fast and quick.


He must provide minimum wages for unemployed people of every age.


He must provide purchase of land at a lower price for housing and agriculture.


He must provide government manufacturing industries of hygienic products, soaps, sanitizers, at a LOWER PRICE so that it can be used by every poor citizen. To create clean water and air. To drink and breathe.


Parliament needs to create laws which can implement the faster implementation of important processes.


God bless Narendra Modi.


God bless India.


Jai Hind.

Jai Bharat.